Nyaman Group

What is the Silent Day ? Traditions of Hari Raya Nyepi

The Day before

Celebrations take place in Bali, on the first new moon in Marchn usually on the same day as the Indian festival Ugadi.

The custom says that the arrival of Spring is the time where the Lord of Hell sends all the madness and devils to Bali (represented by the Ogoh Ogoh), they must be cleared out in order to purify the island before the new year begins.

The devils are pushing away by the local through the giant papier-mache effigies of the evil spirits, the famous “Ogoh Ogoh”. The local people paraded them through the cities while people make noise as much as possible. It is an intense ceremony which is a once to assist in a life when you live in Bali.
The ceremony continue with the burning Ogoh Ogoh in order to purify the spirits and scare the monsters away. The burning ceremony is followed by dancing and partying.

The day of Nyepi– The Silent Day – Hari Raya Nyepi

The Nyepi, it is the beginning of the Balinese Hindu Saka New Year and of the spring. This year will be 1940 according to their calendar. This day is intended for people to do self-reflection, keep silence and more. It takes part between 6 am until 6 am the following day. All the streets and shop are closed, so do is the airport. Wifi, data and electricity are shut down.

The day after Nyepi called Ngembak Geni

This day is the back on routines but still a day a religious rituals, you also find beach market who take place in Kuta, Legian and Seminyak while the shop are not reopened yet.

Hari Raya Nyepi 1940 from Nyaman Group

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